The first of several new modern releases of old Gumdam series begins! Part of the "All Gundam Project" which seeks to bring forth new updated modern kits of older Gundam titles, the Wing Gundam is the main Gundam from the popular Gundam Wing anime and is a fully transformable model kit. Main Camera and chest orb are replicated using clear plastic, while new hands and shared construction elements with past and future releases allow amazing customization to coincide with the new Gundam Build Fighters TV show.

Bandai HGAC Gundam Wing #162 XXXG-01W Wing Gundam HG 1/144 Scale Model Kit

SKU: 4573102577504
$ 18.95
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$ 18.95
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Subtotal: $ 18.95
The first of several new modern releases of old Gumdam series begins! Part of the "All Gundam Project" which seeks to bring forth new updated modern kits of older Gundam titles, the Wing Gundam is the main Gundam from the popular Gundam Wing anime and is a fully transformable model kit. Main Camera and chest orb are replicated using clear plastic, while new hands and shared construction elements with past and future releases allow amazing customization to coincide with the new Gundam Build Fighters TV show.

Bandai HGAC Gundam Wing #162 XXXG-01W Wing Gundam HG 1/144 Scale Model Kit

$ 19.95 $ 18.95

Bandai HGAC Gundam Wing #162 XXXG-01W Wing Gundam HG 1/144 Scale Model Kit

$ 19.95 $ 18.95

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